
Special Buffets

Visit the Funkturm Restaurant


We kindly ask you to make a reservation at

The Funkturm-Restaurant will be open from November 18, 2022 on Fridays and Saturdays from 6:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Reservation: +49 30 3038 2900

Two reservation times for the buffet (59,00 Eur) are planned.

Time slot 1: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Time slot 2: 8:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.

Visit the Funkturm Restaurant

The Funkturm-Restaurant is offering special buffets in the evening troughout the year.

Every month, the Funkturm-Restaurant offers a new buffet with a variety of specialties, and along with that a view that elevate your senses to new heights. A great experience for special occasions, or simply to celebrate the beginning of a new month!

We are looking forward to your reservation

Culinary theme month at the Funkturm


Date Event
January / February / March 2023 closed for the winter
April / May / June 2023 Buffet
July / August 2023 closed due to maintainance
September / October 2023 Buffet
November / December 2023 Buffet



Buffet per Guest

We calculate for children up to 14 years per age one euro.

Prices are including VAT.